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Developer: EMPO App Inc

Empo+ is the bespoke/VIP business product of the Empo platform, which is the fastest growing city discovery app in Chicago, that has 50,000+ Chicagoans are using to choose where to eat/drink/go everyday.

Empo+ is built on 2 core pillars..

1. Users proximity of a decision point
2. Exclusivity

Customer acquisition through social media is great because you can reach people demographically and geographically. But the problem is no one is ever on those platforms to see an Ad. It’s just an unfortunate byproduct of their social media experience. But on Empo, we have hyperlocal users at scale who are on our platform solely to make a decision of where they are going to spend money, right now. This allows Empo+ customers to reach the most coveted user base in the city in the exact moment of a purchasing decision.

If every single business In a market place can pay money to reach the same end user, does anyone have an actual advantage or is it simply a nuclear deterrent? Where you have to pay the money just to play the game and then you are competing on creative and dealing with saturation in perpetuity? There are 8,500 hospitality venues in Chicago, we only allow 200 to purchase Empo+. Empo will have 300,000+ local users, and they will be viewing our Empo+ 200 customers when they are making their decisions.

Empo+ customers get double the viewership dollar for dollar vs the largest social platforms on earth, every person who is viewing their promotion is in the moment of making a purchasing decision, and they are part of an exclusive group of the 200 best venues in the city…. If you’re in, you won’t have to compete for eyeballs ever again.

Empo+ members are guaranteed to be in the top 5% of the feed in perpetuity, and guaranteed to have their promotion viewed 500% more than everyone else in the city, every day or their money back. Empo’s asset is the largest hyperlocal user base of in the moment decisions makers in the city, Empo+ members are buying disproportionate levels of viewership from that base.

Its not just impressions, its a bespoke exclusive membership to dominate customer acquisition on all fronts.

-Nothing matters in a vacuum, everything matters relative to something else. We dont just simply show you your impressions, but a compressive overview of your performance against the aggregate of your competition, and then provide insights on how to beat them.

Hyperlocal behavioral data
-Because of the volume of users on Empo, we know what Chicago wants before they know what they want, and more importantly before hospitality knows what they want. We take that invaluable data, and give it back to our Empo+ 200 members.

-The best city content creators in Chicago are on team Empo. Empo+ members can book them for 80% less than open market value.

-Targeted notification and email newsletter campaigns to your core demographics.

-Every Empo+ member has a full time concierge who they can message in app. The concierge is not just customer service but an advocate who is on offense to proactively help you win the city everyday.